Monday, April 18, 2016

Heifer International - We Are the World Unit

“We cannot all do great things, 
But we can all do small things with great love.”  
~  Mother Teresa  
"There, but for the grace of God, go I.”  
~ Anonymous

Real world problems?

Image result for beatrice biira 2015             DAY 2 – THEME
"If you give a man a fish he can eat for a day.
If you teach a man to fish he can feed his village for a lifetime." ~ Proverb
"I have the audacity to believe that people everywhere
can have three meals a day for the bodies,
education and culture for their minds,
and dignity, equality, and freedom for their spirits."

~Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
                                                      Image result for beatrice biira 2015   

BEATRICE BIIRA Image result for beatrice biira 2015                      Image result for beatrice biira 2015 WHERE IS SHE NOW?
(How many graham crackers did you have?)

Causes of Conflict and Poverty in America and the World
(Living on the edge and invisible poverty)

"We have learned to fly the air like the birds
and swim the sea like fish,
But we have not learned the simple art of living together as brothers." ~Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Day 3 Video - 60 Min. "Hungry in America"
(13 min. video)

HEIFER IN ROMANIA - By Lucy and Alexa
Heifer International is not only needed in Romania, but has already helped save thousands of lives there. A story of a girl named Lenuta Rocas and her family is what has touched our hearts. At age 25, Lenuta heard her first words using her brand new hearing aids. Her father, Adrian, earned about $10 a day working as a farmhand. Lenuta makes about $40 a month sewing tablecloths. After 2 years, they were able to buy her $400 hearing aid. Lenuta and her little brother, Darius, were able to survive on the little they grew – potatoes and vegetables. They had almost little to no protein around, which was until Heifer sent them a cow. The family did not drink all of their milk or sell it either. The extra protein was given away to the orphans. Lenuta and her family soon began the Heifer Milk for Orphans Project in Marcesti, Romania. This project was built off of an earlier program, Farmers Feed the Children. This program required families that had received a Heifer cow to share the milk or meat to places such as hospitals or orphanages. Farms Feed the Children Project, from 2002-2011, was able to donate 40,154 gallons of cow milk! Over 60,000 children were assisted at 5 hospitals, 2 schools for disabled children, and 11 orphanages. In the end, Heifer has helped save people not only in Romania, but all over the world. 

A Poem by Victoria
Counting up, counting down
Rising only to fall
They keep a standard of our lives;
Without them, our world would fall apart.
Children sit with fuming hate towards them,
But world leaders count on them to keep everything regular.
Sometimes it’s irregular,
And the irregular becomes the regular.
There is a problem,
And people choose to ignore it.
But we cannot –
Not forever.
They represent those dying from lack of education –
From lack of water, from lack of hope.
We hold the power -
The power to instill knowledge,
To instill hope.
We can make a difference,
But will we?
And yet there are many who don’t who could –
Why don’t they?
There is no reason, other than fear.
They are afraid;
Afraid of what they will find.
Whether it’s a missing piece of themselves
Or of a world unknown until now,
What they find will only motivate them;
Motivate them to do what they can –
Uniting our world,
Uniting our people,
And holding on to the last thing: