Monday, October 26, 2020

American Institute of Archaeology Webinar - Dr. Patrick Hunt

 The WCS Eighth Grade Ancient History Scholars were very lucky to be able to attend the AIA Webinar, Otzi the Iceman's Prehistoric Medical Kit with Dr. Patrick Hunt as part of our archaeology and prehistory unitsIf you missed Dr. Hunt's talk, or would like to watch it again, you can find it recorded on this YouTube page. (YES! THE SHOUT OUT TO MRS. NIXON'S ANCIENT HISTORY CLASS IS AT THE END OF THE VIDEO!)

Dr. Hunt is from Stanford University, Stanford Alpine Archaeological Project, and National Geographic Hannibal Expedition. He is an Archeoethnobotonist with the Institute for Ethnomedicine. Patrick Hunt has been a featured scholar in four Otzi documentaries:  Death of the Iceman National Geographic Explorer TV. 2008; Iceman Murder Mystery NatGeo NOVA. 2011; Iceman Reborn NOVA 2016; and the forthcoming Otzi NatGeo documentary   We have watched videos in class in which he appeared and we were very excited to hear his lecture.

There were over 900 participants in this webinar, from around the world, and WCS MIDDLE SCHOOL ANCIENT HISTORY CLASS WERE THE ONLY SCHOOL GROUP! We were thrilled that Dr. Hunt answered some of our questions and gave us a SHOUT OUT by name!  At Dr. Hunt's request, we have arranged a time when he can speak with us individually - we have many questions for him!

Wichita City Archaeologists Visit


Shelby Beltz and Jennifer Banks from WSU visited to help us learn about archaeology and what a city archaeologist does. They brought intriguing artifacts from the education collection. We wrote our observations of each artifact and then tried to interpret its use. See the link below for their PowerPoint presentation.

Being An Archaeologist

What is Archaeology? And what do archaeologists do?


Learn more about 3-D Imaging and Etzanoa on
Jeremiah Perkins and Cambria Haley Presentation Link


The Asmat Connection

 * Why is there an Asmat canoe outside the Middle School Library?  Why do we have a mini-museum of Asmat artifacts?

* Because in 1999 tribesmen from Papua New Guinea visited WCS - and this canoe was carved right outside on the Quad!

As part of their study of ancient history the Eighth Grade Scholars examined the culture of this group, and the changes their culture has made as they experience more and more contact with other people.

WSU Scholar Gracie Tolley brought more Asmat artifacts from the teaching collection at the Lowell D. Holmes Museum of Anthropology at WSU. She also brought 3-D printed replicas of artifacts that we could pick up and touch.  She explained many things about this culture, which will help us better understand the Asmat and our spirit canoe.

Friday, October 23, 2020

Monday, October 19, 2020

Monday, October 5, 2020

5,000 Year Old Murder Mystery!

 Are you curious about what happened to Otzi?  Watch this video for new evidence!

Watch the making of a 3-D printed version of Otzi!